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A Caring Psychic Reader



Jeri is a well established, nationally known, psychic with a proven 23-year track record. Jeri has a long list of clients including doctors, lawyers, and politicians. People you read about in the papers but would never admit nor want it known that they see her. Some on a regular basis. 

Jeri has done dozens of high school "project graduations" and numerous corporate events for well-known companies. 


Jeri was the daily astrologer and had her own successful "psychic call-in radio show" on 99.9. She was known as "Jeri the psychic stargazer." The show built up a very large audience and followers. They continue to call her now and ask when she is returning to radio.


Jeri has been written up and she has done world and local predictions for the "The Sun Journal" of Lewiston. She has also been interviewed for television. Jeri was voted among "The Best Psychics" by the "Casco Bay Weekly." She has been recommended to readers of the "The Sun Journal" several times. 


She has also worked on missing person cases and has solved crimes. She has predicted pregnancies, prevented accidents, uncovered illnesses, and counseled numerous professionals. She chooses to share her gift almost as if it were an obligation. She prefers to focus on the positive and she really cares about people. People who come to her "stricken with grief" very often leave with a feeling of calmness and hope. 


Jeri chooses to share her gift almost as if it were an obligation. Jeri's fee for her services are minimal for her time and effort. Her clients need not fear any hidden or additional charges. Jeri welcomes her clients to return if and when they choose. 


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Portland, Maine



As a professional Psychic Reader, I am pleased to share my psychic gift with all of my clients. I live to take on dares and hopefully in my life process, I have an impact on other human beings to awake their own life goals and aspirations. I offer a variety of psychic services to get my clients to see their own life’s potential. Take a look at the services below, and get in touch today.


At Psychic Readings and Astrology by Jeri, I strive to provide my clients with an atmosphere of trust and care. I have been offering psychic readings and astrological advice for over two decades and I work hard to make sure that my clients feel heard and understood.


I'm dedicated to helping my clients gain clarity and insight into their lives. I want to make sure that each one of my clients leaves the session feeling confident and empowered.


Psychic Readings Portland Maine

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These sessions delve into your innermost feelings, helping you sort out current issues in your life. Changing your life’s path for the better is now possible. Don’t leave it to chance, and get the information you’ve been seeking regarding your family, love life, relationships, finances, career, health, and so much more. Get in touch with me to schedule your Psychic Reading appointment.


Readings are offered in 45 minute sessions, either in person or over the phone. All readings are confidential. Please call to schedule an appointment or to request pricing. My sessions are affordable and my schedule is very flexible. I read your cards, connect with spirits around you and can answer your questions for the future.

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My experience with Jeri will truly be memorable for years to come. Jeri had predicted a last minute trip and relocation to North Carolina.

Karen (North Carolina)

Jeri is an excellent psychic reading experience. She is very clear, explicit, and very compassionate.

Susan, California

She was wonderful and right on.  I got to talk to my dad that passed away.  She told me the day he passed and was telling me what he was saying and it was def him.  She knew things that no one would’ve known.  She is by far the real deal.  I would recommend her to anyone.  In fact my whole family is going to hire her to come to the house cause they ALL want a reading from her.  She is amazing.  Thank you so much Jeri. 

Anon, Maine

I have had more than a few readings with Jeri and each one has been eerily accurate.  Some items come to fruition faster than others, but they always, ALWAYS happen. I suggest a reading with Jeri at minimum twice a year, but I would REALLY suggest it at least every other month. You will NOT be disappointed.

Maggie, Maine

Crazy-accurate, compassionate, and honest. There's no absolutely "curse-lifting," "aura-cleansing," or any of those traditional psychic scams. I've been to Psychic Jeri several times and her predictions have ALWAYS come true sooner or later. She has also been a great help career-wise, assisting me with choosing which opportunities to pursue and disregarding the ones that she felt wouldn't help me in the long-term.

Laura, Maine

Jeri is the absolute best at what she does. She is a sweetheart that will bring tears to your eyes and chills to your skin with her amazing talent and true passion for helping others. Thank you so much Jeri for all you have helped me with. 

Ally, Maine



Portland, Maine


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